Tuesday 26 November 2019

A New Ransomware Called DeathRansom

A ransomware called DeathRansom began with a rocky start, but has now resolved it's issues and has begun to infect victims and encrypt their data.

When DeathRansom was first being distributed, it pretended to encrypt files, but researchers and users found that they could just remove the appended .wctc extension and the files would become usable again.
Starting around November 20th, though, something changed.

Not only were victim's files actually becoming encrypted, but there was a surge of submissions related to DeathRansom on the ransomware identification site, ID Ransomware.

While the numbers have dwindled since that initial surge, we are still seeing a steady trickle of new victims, which means that there is mostly likely an active distribution campaign underway. Unfortunately, we have not discovered as of yet how this ransomware is being distributed.
What we do know is that like other ransomware, when DeathRansom is launched it will attempt to clear shadow volume copies.
It will then encrypt all files on the victim's computer other than those found whose full pathnames contain the following strings:
program files
all users
Unlike the previous non-encryption version, the working DeathRansom variants do not append an extension to encrypted files and they just retain their original name.  The data in these files is encrypted.

The only way to identify that the file is encrypted by DeathRansom is by the ABEFCDAB file marker appended to the end of encrypted files.

In every folder that a file is encrypted, the ransomware will create a ransom note named read_me.txt that contains a unique "LOCK-ID" for the victim and an email address to contact the ransomware developer or affiliate.

The ransomware is currently being analyzed and it is not known if it can be decrypted at this time.

One strange thing that was noticed is that numerous victims who have been infected by DeathRansom were also infected by the STOP Ransomware.
This is seen in one Reddit post and numerous submissions to ID-Ransomware where the victim upload a DeathRansom ransom note and a STOP Djvu encrypted file as part of the same submission.
As STOP is only distributed through adware bundles and cracks, it is possible the DeathRansom may be distributed in a similar manner.

Source : Bleepingcomputer.com

Sunday 22 July 2018

Intel’s processors have a security bug and the fix could slow down PCs

       A security flaw in Intel processors has led to a redesign of Linux and Windows kernels. Programmers have been busy for the past two months patching the Linux kernel’s virtual memory system to protect against a hardware bug in Intel CPUs that could let attackers exploit security weaknesses and access security keys, passwords, and files cached from a disk. The Register reports that software updates are required for both Windows and Linux systems, and performance of a machine will be affected.

       Reports suggest information around the specific bug has been kept confidential between software and hardware vendors, and patches for the Linux kernel include comments that have been redacted to prevent attackers discovering the precise weakness. The security bug could be present on Intel processors manufactured over the past 10 years, meaning many systems will require updates.

       The exact bug is related to the way that regular apps and programs can discover the contents of protect kernel memory areas. Kernels in operating systems have complete control over the entire system, and connect applications to the processor, memory, and other hardware inside a computer. There appears to be a flaw in Intel’s processors that lets attackers bypass kernel access protections so that regular apps can read the contents of kernel memory. To protect against this, Linux programmers have been separating the kernel's memory away from user processes in what’s being called “Kernel Page Table Isolation.”

       The problem with this isolation is that some programmers are reporting performance hits after systems are patched. The Register reports that the slowdowns could be between 5 and 30 percent depending on the exact Intel processor. While Linux patches have been rolling out over the past month, a Windows 10 patch is not yet available. Some are speculating that Microsoft will deliver this in an upcoming Patch Tuesday, as the company started separating the NT kernel memory with Windows 10 beta builds in November. “We have nothing to share at this time,” says a Microsoft spokesperson, in response to a query from The Verge.

       It’s still unclear how these patches will affect regular Windows, Mac, and Linux machines. AppleInsider reports that Apple has already deployed a partial fix for the security bug in macOS 10.13.2, which was released last month. Citing multiple sources at Apple and developer Alex Ionescu, who publicly identified code that points to the fix, the report says Apple has mitigated the flaw by altering existing programming requirements related to the kernel memory data in macOS. More changes are expected to come with 10.13.3 soon, AppleInsider reports.

       Still, one researcher speculates that virtual machines and cloud providers will be most affected by the security problem and resulting performance hits. Microsoft’s Azure cloud will experience maintenance next week, and Amazon Web Services has warned that a big security update is coming on Friday. AMD has confirmed that its own processors are not affected by this security bug. “AMD processors are not subject to the types of attacks that the kernel page table isolation feature protects against,” explains Tom Lendacky, an AMD engineer. AMD stocks have soared this morning as a result of Intel’s processor flaw. Intel has not yet publicly commented on the security problem.

Source : theverge.com

Sunday 14 May 2017

WannaCry Attacks All Over The World

Earlier today, our products detected and successfully blocked a large number of ransomware attacks around the world. In these attacks, data is encrypted with the extension “.WCRY” added to the filenames.
Our analysis indicates the attack, dubbed “WannaCry”, is initiated through an SMBv2 remote code execution in Microsoft Windows. This exploit (codenamed “EternalBlue”) has been made available on the internet through the Shadowbrokers dump on April 14th, 2017 and patched by Microsoft on March 14.
Unfortunately, it appears that many organizations have not yet installed the patch.
Spain’s Computer Emergency Response Team CCN-CERT, posted an alert on their site about a massive ransomware attack affecting several Spanish organizations. The alert recommends the installation of updates in the Microsoft March 2017 Security Bulletin as a means of stopping the spread of the attack.
The National Health Service (NHS) in the U.K. also issued an alert and confirmed infections at 16 medical institutions. We have confirmed additional infections in several additional countries, including Russia, Ukraine, and India.
It’s important to understand that while unpatched Windows computers exposing their SMB services can be remotely attacked with the “EternalBlue” exploit and infected by the WannaCry ransomware, the lack of existence of this vulnerability doesn’t really prevent the ransomware component from working. Nevertheless, the presence of this vulnerability appears to be the most significant factor that caused the outbreak.
Currently, we have recorded more than 45,000 attacks of the WannaCry ransomware in 74 countries around the world, mostly in Russia. It’s important to note that our visibility may be limited and incomplete and the range of targets and victims is likely much, much higher.
The malware used in the attacks encrypts the files and also drops and executes a decryptor tool. The request for $600 in Bitcoin is displayed along with the wallet. It’s interesting that the initial request in this sample is for $600 USD, as the first five payments to that wallet is approximately $300 USD. It suggests that the group is increasing the ransom demands.

The tool was designed to address users of multiple countries, with translated messages in different languages.
Note that the “payment will be raised” after a specific countdown, along with another display raising urgency to pay up, threatening that the user will completely lose their files after the set timeout. Not all ransomware provides this timer countdown.
To make sure that the user doesn’t miss the warning, the tool changes the user’s wallpaper with instructions on how to find the decryptor tool dropped by the malware.
For convenient bitcoin payments, the malware directs to a page with a QR code at btcfrog, which links to their main bitcoin wallet 13AM4VW2dhxYgXeQepoHkHSQuy6NgaEb94
For command and control, the malware extracts and uses Tor service executable with all necessary dependencies to access the Tor network:
In terms of targeted files, the ransomware encrypts files with the following extensions:
.der, .pfx, .key, .crt, .csr, .p12, .pem, .odt, .ott, .sxw, .stw, .uot, .3ds, .max, .3dm, .ods, .ots, .sxc, .stc, .dif, .slk, .wb2, .odp, .otp, .sxd, .std, .uop, .odg, .otg, .sxm, .mml, .lay, .lay6, .asc, .sqlite3, .sqlitedb, .sql, .accdb, .mdb, .dbf, .odb, .frm, .myd, .myi, .ibd, .mdf, .ldf, .sln, .suo, .cpp, .pas, .asm, .cmd, .bat, .ps1, .vbs, .dip, .dch, .sch, .brd, .jsp, .php, .asp, .java, .jar, .class, .mp3, .wav, .swf, .fla, .wmv, .mpg, .vob, .mpeg, .asf, .avi, .mov, .mp4, .3gp, .mkv, .3g2, .flv, .wma, .mid, .m3u, .m4u, .djvu, .svg, .psd, .nef, .tiff, .tif, .cgm, .raw, .gif, .png, .bmp, .jpg, .jpeg, .vcd, .iso, .backup, .zip, .rar, .tgz, .tar, .bak, .tbk, .bz2, .PAQ, .ARC, .aes, .gpg, .vmx, .vmdk, .vdi, .sldm, .sldx, .sti, .sxi, .602, .hwp, .snt, .onetoc2, .dwg, .pdf, .wk1, .wks, .123, .rtf, .csv, .txt, .vsdx, .vsd, .edb, .eml, .msg, .ost, .pst, .potm, .potx, .ppam, .ppsx, .ppsm, .pps, .pot, .pptm, .pptx, .ppt, .xltm, .xltx, .xlc, .xlm, .xlt, .xlw, .xlsb, .xlsm, .xlsx, .xls, .dotx, .dotm, .dot, .docm, .docb, .docx, .doc
The file extensions that the malware is targeting contain certain clusters of formats including:
  1. Commonly used office file extensions (.ppt, .doc, .docx, .xlsx, .sxi).
  2. Less common and nation-specific office formats (.sxw, .odt, .hwp).
  3. Archives, media files (.zip, .rar, .tar, .bz2, .mp4, .mkv)
  4. Emails and email databases (.eml, .msg, .ost, .pst, .edb).
  5. Database files (.sql, .accdb, .mdb, .dbf, .odb, .myd).
  6. Developers’ sourcecode and project files (.php, .java, .cpp, .pas, .asm).
  7. Encryption keys and certificates (.key, .pfx, .pem, .p12, .csr, .gpg, .aes).
  8. Graphic designers, artists and photographers files (.vsd, .odg, .raw, .nef, .svg, .psd).
  9. Virtual machine files (.vmx, .vmdk, .vdi).
The WannaCry dropper drops multiple “user manuals” on different languages:
Bulgarian, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Filipino, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese

source : Securelist.com

Sunday 16 April 2017

Optimalisasi Komputer

       Pada era modern ini memang sudah menjadi hal yang krusial untuk memiliki sebuah komputer guna membantu kita memudahkan segala pekerjaan, dari pekerjaan kantor sampai pekerjaan rumah, dari off-line sampai on-line. Bahkan sebagian orang sudah memanfaatkan tablet PC maupun Hybrid PC guna mendukung pekerjaan nya secara mobile.

       Pengguna komputer dewasa ini memang tidak semua memiliki komputer yang sama, baik dari pengguna komputer low-end, mid-end sampai high-end maupun para antusias gamer yang dimana relatif menggunakan komputer ber performa tinggi. Tetapi apa jadinya jikalau kita memiliki komputer yang ber performa biasa saja alias low-end, maupun komputer yang tergolong buatan tahun lama, serasa lemot seperti siput bukan.

       Sesungguhnya komputer kita dapat kita setting sedemikian rupa supaya komputer yang kita gunakan menjadi lebih optimal, mengingat sebuah piranti komputer high-end terbilang cukup mahal. Mulai dengan sedikit mengubah settingan dari system komputer maupun dengan meng-upgrade dapat menambah efek daripada komputer yang kita gunakan. Berikut beberapa tips n trick yang dapat kita terapkan pada komputer kesayangan kita.

       Dapat kita mulai dari exterior atau penampilan komputer kita, jika memang serasa perlu kita dapat mengganti box lama komputer kita dengan model yang lebih baru; keyboard, mouse maupun monitor (Misal CRT tabung -> Monitor LCD). Tidak semua perlu baru, kita dapat mencari / menggunakan barang bekas pakai. Dengan mengganti exterior memang sangat mengubah penampilan komputer kita menjadi lebih modern.

       Berikutnya kita mulai dari prosesor yang kita gunakan, sebaiknya cari tahu terlebih dahulu apakah prosesor tersebut dapat / mempunyai kemampuan untuk Overclock. Jika memang memungkinkan, dengan menggunakan setting dari BIOS kita dapat menaikkan FSB maupun Multipler nya sehingga kecepatan prosesor kita menjadi lebih tinggi dari versi standarnya (Misal: 2.5Ghz -> 3.0Ghz). Apakah itu Overclock dan cara kerjanya, lihat web berikut adiamonddust. Jikalau memang diperlukan, selain Overclock prosesor, ada juga Overclock untuk Kartu Grafis yang biasanya digunakan oleh para Gamer.

       Selanjutnya RAM atau memory, sedapat mungkin di upgrade ke jumlah yang lebih besar karena memory akan lebih terasa signifikan pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja komputer, khususnya pada komputer lama (Single Core / Dual Core). Sebelumnya ada baiknya lihat terlebih dahulu pada situs resmi produk yang digunakan, seberapa besar maksimal RAM yang dapat diterapkan, yang dimana tergantung juga pada tipe mainboard / motherboard, prosesor, serta OS. Sedapat mungkin upgrade ke kuota maksimum memory yang kompatibel (Misal 512MB -> 1GB, 1GB ->2GB).

       Sebaiknya menggunakan system operasi (OS) yang sesuai dengan performa komputer. Sebagai contoh pengguna prosesor pentium 4; walaupun memang masih kompatibel dengan Windows 7, tetapi sebaiknya menggunakan OS yang lebih sesuai, supaya tidak memberatkan komputer anda. Sebaiknya menggunakan versi Windows 7 Lite Version yang jauh lebih ringan dari versi standarnya. Atau boleh juga setidaknya menggunakan system operasi Home version atau N version saja.

       Begitu pula dengan aplikasi yang digunakan, lebih baik menggunakan aplikasi yang hanya membutuhkan performa ringan dan aplikasi yang sering digunakan saja, janganlah memaksakan upgrade aplikasi baru yang dimana memang dirancang untuk komputer baru. Periksa aplikasi-aplikasi apa saja yang tidak diperlukan, seperti browser, media player maupun anti virus berlebih, lebih baik gunakan aplikasi secukupnya saja, karena aplikasi yang walaupun tak digunakan sering kali masih saja bekerja di background mengharuskan komputer bekerja lebih berat.

       Gunakan aplikasi system care untuk membersihkan system komputer secara berkala (Junk file, Registry, Browser, Defrag, dll.); bertujuan supaya memory dan penyimpanan sementara yang digunakan selama kita pakai kembali ke posisi kosong, supaya tidak memberatkan kinerja komputer. Bisa juga menggunakan aplikasi Turbo Boost yang biasanya terdapat beberapa pilihan settting seperti Work, Performance, Gaming. Tetapi sebelumnya ada baiknya anda membuat System Restore untuk berjaga-jaga jikalau terjadi error. Setting juga StartUp dengan aplikasi / dengan Task Manager (Windows 8 / Windows 10), disable saja aplikasi yang tidak di butuhkan.

       Setting Paging Files komputer (Virtual Memory) bagi yang menggunakan memory RAM kecil, yang bertujuan untuk memberikan ruang bagi memory supaya dapat dipakai lebih luas lagi. Dengan meminjam memory dari Harddisk sebagai memory sementara untuk digunakan oleh RAM sebagai pinjaman ruang lebih. Ingat!, setting optimal maksimal paging files 2X besar memory RAM anda. (Misal 2GB - Maximum Page Files 4GB).
Setting Virtual Memory dengan membuka Control Panel - System - Advanced Tab - Performance - Settings - Change.

Setting pada drive C / System Operasi, kemudian isi Custom size dengan Recommended size yang tertera, kemudian setting Maximum size sebesar 2X besaran memory RAM anda. Misalkan besar RAM pada komputer sebesar 2GB, maka setting Maximum disarankan sebaiknya sebesar 4GB. Kemudian tekan tombol Set dan Restart komputer anda.

       Kemudian cabut semua hardware yang tak terpakai, biasanya USB Flashdisk yang selalu terpasang walaupun tak terpakai. Begitu pula konten Harddisk yang di gunakan sebaiknya pada partisi System Operasi hanya untuk keperluan system saja, untuk data sebaiknya pada partisi lain. Hindari status merah pada penunjuk di explorer pertanda data mulai penuh, hapus data yang tak terpakai maupun memindahkan data ke media lain seperti flashdisk, HDD external maupun burning ke data disk.

       Tip n Trick diatas semoga dapat membantu membuat performa komputer anda menjadi lebih maksimal serta optimal, hingga anda dapat bekerja dengan komputer / laptop anda lebih leluasa serta maksimal. Jikalau ada saran boleh untuk di share..

By :
Hokkie Xu

Sunday 2 April 2017

EON17-SLX Origin Gaming Series

       Laptop.., tentu saja kita sering menjumpai kata laptop, karena laptop sudah merupakan kebutuhan utama bagi kita manusia modern saat ini, baik digunakan untuk bekerja atau sekolah maupun guna keperluan lainnya. Tetapi bagaimana dengan kata Laptop Gaming, lazim kah kita dengar di kehidupan kita sehari hari.

       Iya tepat sekali..., Laptop Gaming adalah sebuah perangkat yang digunakan untuk keperluan khusus yaitu untuk bermain Game PC maupun untuk keperluan Grafis secara mobile. Sama seperti halnya perangkat komputer rumah yang memiliki spesifikasi khusus, Laptop pun sekarang tidak lagi memiliki spesifikasi standar saja, yang beberapa saat terakhir ini di tandai dengan maraknya pemain / vendor produsen komputer mengeluarkan produk Laptop Gaming nya.

       Yang boleh dikata menjadikan ceruk pasar baru, yang dahulunya hanya vendor tertentu saja yang memproduksi Laptop Gaming, sebut saja Alienware. Namun sekarang semua vendor berlomba lomba memiliki seri Laptop Gaming nya. Seperti Acer dengan seri Predator nya, Asus ROG G752VS, maupun MSI dengan seri TITAN nya, dll.

       Kali ini kita ulas keluaran vendor Origin Gaming Series, Origin EON17-SLX. Lalu spesifikasi apa saja yang di tawarkan.., dan apa yang menjadikan berbeda dari produk keluaran para pesaing nya. Laptop seri ini mempunyai beberapa varian yang di tawarkan, sehingga konsumen mendapatkan produk sesuai kebutuhannya, boleh di kata customable. Layar monitor menggunakan layar 17" yang ber-resolusi 4k, menggunakan intel prosesor generasi terbaru dengan intel core i7, dengan menggunakan kartu grafis GTX-1080, untuk lebih detil nya kita simak ulasan berikut..

Dual GPU and VR Ready

EON17-SLX menggunakan prosesor generasi ke-7 desktop prosesor intel i7 7700k kombinasi dengan Chipset Z270, dan menggunakan dual overclocked GPU sekelas kartu grafis desktop seri GTX-1080 16GB GDDR5X, tak ada yang akan membuat mu tertinggal ketika anda sedang men dominasi medan perang dalam game favorit mu.

Visual Aucuity

Sejernih kristal ketika berada di battlefield dengan EON17-SLX Gaming Laptop berfitur layar IPS 17.3" widescreen dengan resolusi 4k dengan G-SYNC Tear-Free. Dari movie sampai presentasi multifungsi menghantarkan experience grade-A yang halus.

Extreme Expansion

Dengan EON17-SLX Gaming Laptop anda tak akan kehabisan disk space, dapatkan konfigurasi laptop gaming anda dengan 10TB media penyimpanan. Dengan media card reader 6 in 1, USB 3.1 tipe-C dan Thunderbolt 3 combo. Dengan memory Up-to 64GB DDR4.

Customise Your Lighting

Origin membiarkan anda yang memegang kendali, personalisasi keyboard dan panel untuk di lihat dan feel sesuai dengan anda, dengan berbagai pilihan warna. Dan lagi dengan berbagai pilihan design warna, serta warna custom.

       Gaming Laptop Origin seri EON17-SLX dibandrol dengan harga yang sangat bervariasi mulai dari $2,124.00, mengingat Gaming Laptop yang customable harga yang dibanderol dapat disesuaikan dengan spesifikasi nya pula. Mengingat kelebihan spesifikasi yang di tawarkan dengan performa grafis yang super duper, performa dan akses ber-kecepatan tinggi, layar IPS 4k serta VR ready, Gaming laptop besutan Origin ini sangatlah layak untuk para Gamer antusias..


Size and Weight

Height: 1.9”
Width: 17”
Depth: 12”
Weight: 12 lbs 

Design Options

Metallic: Eternal Pink, Sabot Grey, Atmos Blue, Evolve Green, Horizon Yellow, Epic Purple, ORIGIN PC Red, ORIGIN PC White
Custom: Custom Paint - Exclusive ORIGIN Design
Design: True Fire, True Fire ORIGIN Red, True Fire Atmos Blue, Neurons, Battle-Tested, Shredder Red, Shredder Green, Shredder Blue
Panel Designs: ORIGIN PC Black 

Current Special Offers

Good Luck, Have Fun, and Upgrade Today Promo - DT

The ORIGIN Difference

ORIGIN PC EON17-SLX - The Best Gaming Experience Guaranteed

Display Type

EON17-SLX FHD 1920 x 1080 17.3" IPS G-SYNC Display
EON17-SLX QHD 2540 x 1440 17.3" IPS 120Hz G-SYNC Display
EON17-SLX QFHD 3840 x 2160 17.3" IPS G-SYNC Display

Keyboard and Touchpad

Backlit Multi-Color Keyboard

Graphic Cards

Single Graphics Card

Single NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 8GB [VR Ready]
Single NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 8GB [VR Ready]

Dual Graphics Card

Dual NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 8GB [VR Ready]
Dual NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 8GB [VR Ready]


Core i3
Intel Core i3 7350K Dual-Core 4.2GHz

Core i5
Intel Core i5 7600 Quad-Core 3.5GHz (4.1GHz TurboBoost)
Intel Core i5 7600K Quad-Core 3.8GHz (4.2GHz TurboBoost)

Core i7
Intel Core i7 7700 Quad-Core 3.6GHz (4.2GHz TurboBoost)
Intel Core i7 7700K Quad-Core 4.2GHz (4.5GHz TurboBoost)

Thermal Compound

GELID GC-Extreme CPU Application
GELID GC-Extreme Graphics Card Application


8GB ORIGIN PC Approved DDR4 2133MHz (2 X 4GB)
16GB ORIGIN PC Approved DDR4 2133MHz (2 X 8GB)
16GB ORIGIN PC Approved DDR4 2133MHz (4 X 4GB)
32GB ORIGIN PC Approved DDR4 2133MHz (4 X 8GB)
32GB ORIGIN PC Approved DDR4 2133MHz (2 X 16GB)
64GB ORIGIN PC Approved DDR4 2133MHz (4 X 16GB)
8GB Kingston HyperX Impact DDR4 2133MHz (2 X 4GB)
16GB Kingston HyperX Impact DDR4 2133MHz (2 X 8GB)
16GB Kingston HyperX Impact DDR4 2133MHz (4 X 4GB)
32GB Kingston HyperX Impact DDR4 2133MHz (4 X 8GB)
64GB Kingston HyperX Impact DDR4 2133MHz (4 X 16GB)

8GB ORIGIN PC Approved DDR4 2400MHz (2 X 4GB)
16GB ORIGIN PC Approved DDR4 2400MHz (2 X 8GB)
16GB ORIGIN PC Approved DDR4 2400MHz (4 X 4GB)
32GB ORIGIN PC Approved DDR4 2400MHz (4 X 8GB)
32GB ORIGIN PC Approved DDR4 2400MHz (2 X 16GB)
64GB ORIGIN PC Approved DDR4 2400MHz (4 X 16GB)
16GB Kingston HyperX Impact DDR4 2400MHz (4 X 4GB)
32GB Kingston HyperX Impact DDR4 2400MHz (4 X 8GB)
64GB Kingston HyperX Impact DDR4 2400MHz (4 X 16GB)

Operating System

MS Windows 10 Home
MS Windows 10 Professional

M.2 SSD Drive

120GB ORIGIN PC Approved SATA M.2
240GB ORIGIN PC Approved SATA M.2
480GB ORIGIN PC Approved SATA M.2
250GB Samsung 850 Evo SATA M.2
500GB Samsung 850 Evo SATA M.2
1TB Samsung 850 Evo SATA M.2

256GB ORIGIN PC Approved PCIe M.2
512GB ORIGIN PC Approved PCIe M.2
1TB ORIGIN PC Approved PCIe M.2
250GB Samsung 960 Evo PCIe NVMe M.2
500GB Samsung 960 Evo PCIe NVMe M.2
1TB Samsung 960 Evo PCIe NVMe M.2
512GB Samsung 960 Pro PCIe NVMe M.2
1TB Samsung 960 Pro PCIe NVMe M.2

2TB Samsung 960 Pro PCIe NVMe M.2

M.2 SSD Drive Two

120GB ORIGIN PC Approved SATA M.2
240GB ORIGIN PC Approved SATA M.2
480GB ORIGIN PC Approved SATA M.2
250GB Samsung 850 Evo SATA M.2
500GB Samsung 850 Evo SATA M.2
1TB Samsung 850 Evo SATA M.2

256GB ORIGIN PC Approved PCIe M.2
512GB ORIGIN PC Approved PCIe M.2
1TB ORIGIN PC Approved PCIe M.2
250GB Samsung 960 Evo PCIe NVMe M.2
500GB Samsung 960 Evo PCIe NVMe M.2
1TB Samsung 960 Evo PCIe NVMe M.2
512GB Samsung 960 Pro PCIe NVMe M.2
1TB Samsung 960 Pro PCIe NVMe M.2

2TB Samsung 960 Pro PCIe NVMe M.2

M.2 SSD Drive Three

256GB ORIGIN PC Approved PCIe M.2
512GB ORIGIN PC Approved PCIe M.2
1TB ORIGIN PC Approved PCIe M.2
250GB Samsung 960 Evo PCIe NVMe M.2
500GB Samsung 960 Evo PCIe NVMe M.2
1TB Samsung 960 Evo PCIe NVMe M.2
512GB Samsung 960 Pro PCIe NVMe M.2
1TB Samsung 960 Pro PCIe NVMe M.2

2TB Samsung 960 Pro PCIe NVMe M.2

Hard Drive

500GB ORIGIN PC Approved 7200RPM Hard Drive
750GB ORIGIN PC Approved 7200RPM Hard Drive
1TB ORIGIN PC Approved 7200RPM Hard Drive

1TB Seagate Solid State Hybrid Drive
2TB Seagate 2.5" FireCuda Flash-Accelerated Hard Drive

120GB ORIGIN PC Approved Solid State Drive
240GB ORIGIN PC Approved Solid State Drive
480GB ORIGIN PC Approved Solid State Drive
250GB Samsung 850 Evo Series
500GB Samsung 850 Evo Series
1TB Samsung 850 Evo Series
2TB Samsung 850 Evo Series
4TB Samsung 850 Evo Series
256GB Samsung 850 Pro Series
512GB Samsung 850 Pro Series
1TB Samsung 850 Pro Series
2TB Samsung 850 Pro Series

2TB Seagate 5400RPM 2.5" Hard Drive

Hard Drive Two

500GB ORIGIN PC Approved 7200RPM Hard Drive
750GB ORIGIN PC Approved 7200RPM Hard Drive
1TB ORIGIN PC Approved 7200RPM Hard Drive

1TB Seagate Solid State Hybrid Drive
2TB Seagate 2.5" FireCuda Flash-Accelerated Hard Drive

120GB ORIGIN PC Approved Solid State Drive
240GB ORIGIN PC Approved Solid State Drive
480GB ORIGIN PC Approved Solid State Drive
250GB Samsung 850 Evo Series
500GB Samsung 850 Evo Series
1TB Samsung 850 Evo Series
2TB Samsung 850 Evo Series
4TB Samsung 850 Evo Series
256GB Samsung 850 Pro Series
512GB Samsung 850 Pro Series
1TB Samsung 850 Pro Series
2TB Samsung 850 Pro Series

2TB Seagate 5400RPM 2.5" Hard Drive


Integrated High-Definition Audio powered by Sound Blaster Xfi MB5 w/ external 7.1 support

External Audio
Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Surround 5.1 Pro USB Sound Card powered by THX TruStudio Pro
Creative Sound Blaster Omni Surround 5.1 External USB
Creative Sound Blaster E3 Headphone Amplifier

Onboard LAN

Dual Killer™ E2400


Internal Wireless Card
Killer™ Wireless AC 1535 Dual Band +BT (*Killer Doubleshot Pro enabled)
Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 8265 + BT Combo

SuperSpeed USB 3.1
SuperSpeed USB 3.1

SuperSpeed+ USB 3.1 Type-C
USB 3.1 Type-C

Media Card Reader

Media Card Reader

Finger Print Reader

Integrated Biometric Area Fingerprint Reader

Integrated Camera

Built-in 2.0M FHD Video Camera


Lifetime 24/7 U.S. Based Support and Lifetime Free Labor. 1 Year Part Replacement & 45 Day Shipping Warranty
Lifetime 24/7 U.S. Based Support and Lifetime Free Labor. 1 Year Part Replacement & Free Shipping Warranty
Lifetime 24/7 U.S. Based Support and Lifetime Free Labor. 2 Year Part Replacement & Free Shipping Warranty
Lifetime 24/7 U.S. Based Support and Lifetime Free Labor. 3 Year Part Replacement & Free Shipping Warranty

ORIGIN Recovery

ORIGIN Recovery USB3.0 Flash Drive

No Dead Pixel Guarantee

45 Day No Dead Pixel Guarantee Free
90 Day No Dead Pixel Guarantee

Tuesday 21 March 2017

AMD Ryzen

       Pada sebuah ajang bertajuk ‘New Horizon’, AMD untuk pertama kalinya memperkenalkan nama prosesor mereka yang memiliki arsitektur terbaru, ‘Zen’. Prosesor tersebut diberi nama AMD RYZEN.

       Dr. Lisa Su, CEO AMD terlihat begitu gembira saat mengumumkan RYZEN (baca: ‘Rai-zen’). “We love RYZEN. RYZEN symbolizes the power of Zen, reaching the next horizon of computing“, begitu sebutnya saat mengumumkan nama prosesor tersebut. AMD RYZEN merupakan sebuah prosesor yang dirancang dari sekitar 4 tahun lalu, dan merupakan sebuah desain yang sama sekali baru, berbeda dengan pendahulunya, AMD FX series.

       RYZEN diklaim memiliki Instruction-per-clock 40% lebih tinggi dari core ‘Excavator’ mereka sebelumnya, lalu memiliki Simultaneous Multi-threading (SMT). Jadi, konfigurasi awal prosesor RYZEN yang akan dirilis Q1 2017 ini akan memiliki spesifikasi sebagai berikut:

* Prosesor 8-Core, 16 Thread
* Clockspeed 3.4Ghz (+ Boost)
* 4MB L2 Cache + 16MB L3 Cache
* TDP 95 Watt

       Dan RYZEN akan berjalan di platform AM4, platform AMD terbaru yang mendukung RAM DDR4 Dual-channel, dan platform ini sendiri dikabarkan akan digunakan pada seluruh ekosistem prosesor AMD dari kelas bawah, menengah, hingga high-end desktop. Ini tentunya menarik, karena AMD ‘Bristol Ridge’ APU juga bisa dijalankan pada platform sama, sehingga pengguna yang awalnya hanya mampu membeli Bristol Ridge APU, secara teori masih bisa meng-upgrade prosesor mereka ke RYZEN.

       Clock prosesor RYZEN disebut-sebut akan beroperasi pada varian 3.4Ghz. namun AMD mengatakan bahwa prosesor mereka ini masih bisa ditingkatkan clockspeednya dengan sebuah fitur ‘boost’, namun mereka belum mau mengungkapkan nilai akhir clockspeed-nya.

       AMD mengklaim bahwa RYZEN memiliki berbagai fitur yang menjadikannya begitu efisien dan pintar, terutama dengan teknologi SenseMI, yang merupakan paduan dari 5 fitur:

* Neural Net Prediction
* Smart Prefetch
* Pure Power
* Precision Boost
* Extended Frequency Range

       Neural Net Prediction dan Smart Prefetch menjanjikan eksekusi yang lebih efisien, dan kedua fitur ini sendiri menghasilkan setidaknya 1/4 dari semua peningkatan performa yang dimiliki RYZEN. Sedangkan Pure Power, Precision Boost, dan Extended Frequency Range adalah hasil kerja dari berbagai sensor daya, voltase, dan suhu, yang memaksimalkan clockspeed prosesor berdasarkan kondisi yang ada.

Sunday 12 March 2017

What Kind of VR Are You..?

       VR sudahlah bukan hal yang baru lagi, memang sesungguhnya VR sudah sangat lama dikembangkan, sayangnya teknologi 20 tahun yang lalu belumlah cukup memadai. Barulah di era teknologi maju saat ini VR dapat diwujudkan, walaupun boleh dikata baru di tahap awal / newborn namun VR sudah dapat kita nikmati.

       Berbagai produsen saling berlomba untuk mengeluarkan produk produk handalannya, seperti Google Cardboard, Samsung Gear VR, Zeiss VR One, dll. Sehingga tidaklah heran jika di pasaran beredar VR Headset dengan berbagai macam model. Yang kali ini kita bahas Mobile VR yang dengan mudah kita jumpai, yang dimana terdapat juga VR Headset untuk Komputer, Simulasi, sampai VR untuk keperluan medis yang akhir akhir ini sangatlah pesat perkembangannya.

       Produk VR apa yang anda gunakan..? Sudahkan setting aplikasi anda sesuai dengan VR Headset yang anda gunakan, mengingat sangat lah banyak model yang di tawarkan, kami berikan QR Code dari berbagai macam produk VR untuk anda gunakan sesuai dengan jenis Headset anda.
Simak ulasan berikut..

Default Google Cardboard

4smarts VR Glasses

Alcatel VR15 for IDOL4

Alian Cardboard v1.1

Alian CardboardAlian Cardboard QR Code

Aluminium 120 VR

Ant VR

AntVR squareAntVR QR Code qr_viewer_profileAntVR QR Code 2AntVR QR Code 4AntVR QR Code 3

Archgon VRock Portable

Archos VR Glasses 2


Arunners VR viewer squareArunners viewer QR Code

Atill 3D VR (rebranded VR Box 2)

Atill 3D VR squareAtill 3D VR QR Code

Aura VR

Aura VR HeadsetAura VR QR Code

Aura VR Go


AZ360VR squareAZ360VR QR Code

Baofeng Small Mojing

Baofeng small mojing VR pinkBaofeng Small Mojing qr_viewer_profile

Baofeng Mojing 3

Baofeng Moging 3 VR headsetBaofeng Mojing 4 QR Code

Baofeng Mojing 4

Baofeng Mojing 4 VR headset squareBaofeng Mojing 4 QR Code 2Baofeng Mojing 4 QR Code 3

Baofeng Mojing S1

Baofeng Mojing XD

Baofeng Mojing XM


BlitzWolf BW-VR3 (First two are most recommended.)

BMW-Mini Cardboard

BMW-Mini Cardboard squarecardboard BMW-Mini QR Code

BoboVR Z3 (Also sold as the Stark VR Pro Retina, Vision VR 360,  Evo VR MI-VRH02.)

BoboVRBoboV3 Z3 QR CodeBOBOVR Z3 - reader - QR Code

BoboVR Z4
BoboVR Z4 squareBoboVR Z4 QR CodeBoboVR Z4 -- Reddit 4BoboVR Z4 -- Reddit 3BoboVR Z4 -- Reddit 2BoboVR Z4 -- Reddit 1


BoxGlass viewer squareBoxGlass viewer QR Code

C1-Glass from Goggle Tech

GoggleTech squareGoggleTech QR Code

Circle VR

Clas Ohlson Cardboard VR Viewer (V1)

Cobra VR

Cobra VR squareCobra VR QR code


Leegoal headset squareColorCross 2 qr_viewer_profile



Converge VR DK3


Daydream View


Defairy headsetDefairy headset QR code

DeePoon V3

DeePoon squareDeePoon V3 official QR CodeDeePoon temp QR Code

Deepoon Kankan V2Y


Desktek VR headsetDestek VR headset QR Code

Dodocase VR 1.1
Dodocase VR 1.1 squareDodocase VR 1.1 qr_viewer_profile

DOMO nHance VRC57

DOMO_nHance_VRC57_01-500x500DOMO_nHance_VRC57 QR code

Dream Vision Pro


D-Scope Pro

D-Scope VR headsetqr_viewer_profile -- D-Scope VR


Dscvr squareDscvr QR code

Dynamic Virtual Viewer

Durovis Dive 7

Durovis Dive 7durovis_dive_qr_viewer_profile


Fibrum squareFibrum QR code

FiiT VR (Sold under many brands, including Igoeshopping.)

Fiit VR square corner viewFiit VR QR code from Reddit

Flying Tiger


Freefly VR

Freefly VRFreefly VR QR code

FTLL (No official QR Code, but readers report these work.)

Gear VR 2015

Samsung Gear VR consumer square

Gear VR 2016

Gepro VR


Gmyle VR headsetGmyle VR headset QR Code

Google Cardboard 1.0

Google Cardboard v1 squareI Am Cardboard V1 official QR CodeUnofficial Cardboard QR Code -- qr_viewer_profile_UC_Classic

Google Cardboard 2.0

Google Cardboard v2 headsets with capacitative button on top.Google Cardboard V2 QR Code -- I Am CardboardUnofficial Cardboard QR Code -- UC_2.0

Habor (rebranded VR Park)

Habor VR squareHabor VR QR Code via Amazon customer

Habor (rebranded VR Park V3)

Habor 2 squareVR Park V3 qr_viewer_profile



Homido Grab

Homido Mini

Homido Mini ViewerHomido mini QR Code

Homido V2

Hootoo HT-VR001 (rebranded VR Box 2)

HooToo HT-VR001VR Box 2 QR CodeVR Box 2 QR Code opt 2

Hootoo HT-VR002 (rebranded Fiit VR)

HooToo HT-VR002
FiiT VR QR CodeFiit VR QR code from Reddit

I Am Cardboard

I Am Cardboard squareI Am Cardboard V1 official QR Code

I Am Cardboard Giant EVA

I Am Cardboard Giant EVA headsetI Am Cardboard Giant EVA QR code

I Am Cardboard v2

I Am Cardboard v2I Am Cardboard V2 official QR Code


iBlue VR squareiBlue VR qr_viewer_profile from reader


Immerse viewerImmerse vr QR code


IncrediSonic viewerIncrediSonic viewer QR Code

Intempo Engage (No official QR Code, but the code below reportedly works.)

Ion VR360

Lakento MVR

Lakento MVR headsetLakento MVR QR Code

Leji VR Mini (No official QR Codes, but the ones below are reported to work.)


Ling VRLingVR QR code

Lion VR Mini

Mattel View-Master VR

(Image courtesy Mattel.)
Mattel View-Master official QR Code

Mattel View-Master Batman

Mattel View-Master official QR Code

Mattel View-Master VR Deluxe

Merge VR

MergeVR goggles squareMerge VR QR code

Modecom FreeHands MC-G3

ModecomModecom FreeHands MC-G3 qr_viewer_profile


Mona VR

Motoraux square

BOBOVR Z3 - reader - QR Code

Motoraux VR SquareBoboV3 Z3 QR CodeBOBOVR Z3 - reader - QR Code

MSRM VR from Victony (Also sold as M6 VR, ZBang VR, Virtoba M6.)


MTT VR headset squareMTT VR official QR Code

Musttrue VR Magic


Noon VR NoonVR QR Code


(also sold under ColorcrossTreasureMaxSunnyPeakWinait, and other brand names)
Noton squareNoton temp QR CodeNoton qr_viewer_profile by PascalU NOTON VR - reader - QR Code

OnePlus Cardboard

OnePlus Google Cardbaord squareOnePlus Cardboard QR Code

OnePlus Loop VR


OWL VR viewerOWL VR viewer QR Code


Planet VR Box

Planet VR BoxPlanet VR Box QR Code

Planet VR Box 2

Planet VR Box V2Planet Vr Box V2 QR Code

Planet VR Box Elite

Planet VR Box Elite headsetPlanet VR Box Elite QR Code


Isuru PlayVR squarePlayVR official QR Code - small screenPlayVR official QR Code - big screen



Powis VRPowis QR Code - Official

Procus VR

Procus VR SquareProcus VR


Refugio3D viewer squareRefugio3D QR Code

Ritech Riem 2

Polarized VR 3D squareRitech RIEM 2 VR glasses QR code

Ritech Riem 3 (Also sold as Magicoo and Topmaxions.)

Ritech Riem 3 VR headsetRitech Riem 3 QR Code

Ritech Riem 3 Plus

Rohs VR

Shinecon (also sold as Pop-Tech, BlitzWolf, VR-Gazers, YSSHUI, Stark VR Pro Optic, 4-OK VR, Sidardoe, Moke VR)

Shinecon VR headset blackShinecon QR CodePop-Tech or Shinecon 3D VR Headset QR codeMotorauxViewerProfileQR -- aka Shinecon

Shinecon 2


Shinecon 3 (No official QR Code, but the codes below work.)


Shinecon 4


Snail VR

Snail VRSnail VR QR Code


SoyanSoyan QR code

StarLight VR

StarLight VR viewerStarLight VR viewer QR code

Stooksky VR-Spektiv


Stooksky VR-Spektiv XL


Stooksky VR-Spektiv iP6+


Sunnypeak (Also sold as Teefan, Taffware)

Sunnypeak headset basic blackSunnypeak headset basic black QR code



Sunnypeak headset very basic blackSunnypeak headset very basic black QR code

Sunnypeak  VRG-10700 (Also sold as Xtreme Virtual Reality Viewer.)

Sunnypeak headset another blackSunnypeak headset another black QR code


Sunnypeak VR 2Sunnypeak VR 2 QR code

Sunnypeak (Also sold as AVR061.)

Sunnypeak VR 3Sunnypeak VR 3 -- QR code


Sunnypeak VR 4Sunnypeak VR 4 -- QR Code



Sunnypeak VR 5Sunnypeak VR 5 QR code

Sytros VR (also sold as Goji, VR Box 360, Excelvan, GateWay, VR Beatz)


Teefan VR 4 squareTeefan VR 4 QR Code -- official


Teefan VR 1 - SquareTeefan VR 1 -- QR code

Teefan (Also sold under Sunnypeak brand.)


Teefan VR 2 - squareTeefan VR 2 QR code

Teefan (Also sold under a variety of brand names, including Polaroid.)

Teefan VR 3 squareTeefan VR 3 - QR code

Teleport VR Headset

Teleport VR headsetTeleport VR QR code



True Depth 3D VR

TT 3D Viewer Cardboard

TT 3D Viewer Cardboard squareTT 3D Viewer Cardboard QR Code 2

Tzumi Dreamvision

Tzumi Dreamvision Pro


UCVR squareUCVR QR Code via VR-iPhone

UMI-VR BOX3 (Also sold as UMIDIGI 3D.)

UMI-VR BOX6 (Also sold as UMIDIGI 3D.)

Unicorn VR from Novo VR

Unicorn 2Unicorn VR QR code

Unofficial Cardboard 2.0 Plus

Unofficial Cardboard 2.0 plus headsetsUnofficial Cardboard QR Code -- UC_2.0_PlusUnofficial Cardboard 2.0 Plus QR code

Utopia 360

Vethien (No official QR Code, but the Shinecon code below works.)


ViarBox squareViarBox QR Code

Viewbox from Evomade

Evomade squareEvomade Viewbox QR Code

Virtoba X5

Virtoba X5 SquareVirtoba X5 QR Code

VOX+ Gear Plus

VOX+ Gear Plus squreVOX+ Gear Plus -- official QR Code


VOX+ Z3 SquareVOX+ Z3 -- Official QR Code

VR Boss

VR Box (Also sold as Evo Next and iJoy.)

VR Box viewerSunnypeak QR codeVR Box QR codevr-box-qr-code-by-reader

VR Box 2 (Also sold as VR Vue II, Quest VR, Art+Vision, Vision VR, Vokano Matrix, NeuTab.)

VR Box 2 SquareVR Box 2 QR CodeVR Box 2 QR Code opt 2

VR Case RK 3 Plus (Also sold as MVMT VR 360, VR Vue FX.)

VR Case RK 3 plus
qr_viewer_profile VR CASE RK 3 plus

VR Case RK5th


VR Case RK6th

VR Cat (No official QR Codes but the Homido Mini one below works.)

VR Fold

VR FoldVR Fold QR Code by reader

VR Kix

VR KixVR Kix QR Code

VR Lion Eye i7

VR Park V1

VR Park V1 squareVR Park QR Code - Amazon - Jeff M

VR Park V3 (Also works for MSRM-LB VR.)

VR Park V3 squareVR Park V3 qr_viewer_profilevr-park-v3-qr-code-reddit-user


VR World (also sold as ProHT 360° VR PRO)

VR World headset squareVR World reader QR Code




VrizzmoVRizzmo - QR Code - vr-iphone-dot-com

Wearality Sky 0.1

Wearality Sky square
Wearality Sky QR code


 Weebo3DWeebo3D qr_viewer_profile

Windup VR


XG VR Xingear


Xiaomi VR (Mi VR)



Yay 3D

Yay 3D viewerYay 3d Viewer QR Code



Zebronics VR headset squareZebronics VR headset QR Code

Zeiss VR One and VR One Plus

Zeiss OneZeiss VR One QR Code